Ninja Kita is a browser game-themed anime. You will play the role of a ninja who was entrusted with the mission to defeat the evil forces of the most cruel and destructive.
As the world's last hope of the elect, you need to protect the city ofangels, to seal rescue and restore the natural balance by constant effort and incredible ninja skills. By exploring the city of Satan, someuntold secrets that are gradually removed as well. City of Angels in the mist that is hidden from the thorn forest land is wasted - City ofSatan.
Which in ancient times an evil warrior shelter, but now is closelyguarded, no one can enter the city without izin.300 years ago, theevil soldier has been sealed in the city of Satan. The soldiers led by the evil of the world's most evil demon, which is famous for greatstrength and cruelty. At his command, the soldiers attacked the village of evil, trying to control the whole world. Disasters happen all over the village and residents. They were eventually defeated by aMaster Ninja, the supreme leader of the City of Angels and the fivevillages. A secret plot ninjutsu mystique and buried along with the devil at the time.
However, it seems short-lived happiness ... Restless soul has beenawakened in the City of Satan that damage the seal and fled to the city.
By using forbidden ninjutsu on innocent animals, turning it into a puppet soldiers, crime planned to attack the City of Angels, releasetheir leaders and rule the world again. Forbidden ninjutsu abuse has led to rapid environmental degradation. Tsunami and earthquakebegan to erode the land is very beautiful. Looming dangers to theCity of Angels once again. Master see some signs of fun, but could not find the truth. Therefore, Lima Petua required to initiate an investigation.
Synthesis of the Ninja We rule, all items can be used to synthesizedor a catalyst. Here are the steps to synthesize:

step 1
To display a column of synthesis:
(1) click the backpack icon at the beginning of the display interface.
(2) After that the display will show the contents of the bag. Then clickFast as shown belowstep 2
Open interface synthesis, drag the item you want in the synthesis ofthe main item to the column and place the two items of the catalystin the catalyst column, click the "Start Synthesis" to continue. As shown below iniSintesis must follow the rules below:
Each synthesis requires a number of stones. If you want tosynthesize the resultant again, then the rock will increaseconsumption. Initial consumption will be run on 00:00:00 every day.
If some items are drawn to the interface synthesis, only one will besynthesized. For example, suppose 99 watermelon is placed in oneslot, only one will be used for synthesis. The remaining 98 will be preserved watermelon.
Synthetic products will be displayed in the right slot, while the remaining items will remain in effect. If synthesis fails, then the mainitem will remain in place, while the catalyst will be lost.
Items that are already embedded in the equipment will alsosynthesized. Have you delete the item first.
If the item you are going to the synthesis of air-bound status, it will produce a bound item as well.
Regarding the synthesis of a class, if the main item disintetis havelower quality of the item catalyst, the synthesis can lead to a decrease in the main item class, and vice versa. If a major item anditem levels similar catalyst, then the class of synthetic items have not changed.

Classification of the classified National League NasionalLigaranked players and nationality.
It can be classified from rank 5 classes as follows:
C rank amateur league, was composed of 125 groups and there are 8 players who will compete in each group.
Ranking B Professional League, is comprised of 25 groups andthere are 8 players who will compete in each group.
A ranking of the Elite League, is comprised of 5 groups and there are 8 players who will compete in each group.
S Ranking the Premier League, is comprised of a group and there are 8 players who will compete in each group.
Ranking the Champions League W, consists of a group and there are 8 players who will compete in each group.

Find a Friend You can view the information from the player throughthe function "View friends" in the panel a friend Click the "ViewFriends" to come into view. You can see the name of the characterthat you want to search, then click to search. A pop up message willcome out if you are looking for a friend who does not exist. If the search is successful, you can immediately get a list of your friends.
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